6 Factors That Impact Heat Pump Efficiency in Wallace, NC

Because heat pumps are typically more efficient than traditional air conditioners, they’ve become the go-to solution for staying cool. In Wallace, NC, summer days can exceed 90 degrees, so you’ll certainly need your heat pump to be in good working order to remain cool. Keep reading to learn about six things that can affect heat pump efficiency.

Your Heat Pump’s Age

Older heat pumps aren’t usually as efficient as newer models because their performance can decline with age. You may notice after about 10 years that your system is more prone to breakdowns or needing repairs. Also, if your heat pump works harder to maintain your home’s temperature, you may see an increase in your monthly energy bill.

Sizing Impacts Heat Pump Efficiency

The most important thing about selecting a heat pump is that it has to be the right size for your home. If it’s too big, it’ll short cycle because it heats or cools your home too quickly before completing a full cycle. If the system is too small, it’ll work overly hard to achieve the temperature you want.

There’s a simple formula a professional HVAC installer will use to determine which size of heat pump you need for your home. First, they compute your home’s square footage by adding up the area of every room and hallway. Then, they’ll multiply that number by 10 to get the number of British Thermal Units you need your heat pump to deliver, rounding up to the nearest hundred.

Forgetting Regular Maintenance

Your heat pump needs routine cleaning along with regular filter changes. Additionally, it requires compressor tuneups and checks for leaks, especially in the ductwork and refrigerant line. A full inspection of the entire system from outside coils to inside vents at least once per year is normally recommended.

When yearly maintenance isn’t performed on your heat pump, it can lead to various issues. In addition to reduced heat pump efficiency, you could also face reduced indoor air quality and a shortened service life.

Climate and Positioning

The hot, muggy weather in our area can affect the efficiency of your heat pump because it has to work harder to keep your indoor air comfortable. Positioning your system in an area where the outdoor unit is in the shade most of the time can help reduce the load by keeping the outdoor coil relatively cool compared to having the unit in the sunshine. If there’s no real shade around your home, you can plant hedges or small garden trees to create some.

Your Home’s Insulation

Insulation reduces the amount of coolness lost through your walls and prevents the outside heat from entering. During colder months, it helps heat remain indoors while your heat pump is in heat mode. Therefore, ensuring your home’s insulation is in good shape will help increase your heat pump efficiency year-round.

Temperature Settings

During summer, it makes sense to set your thermostat at a reasonably comfortable temperature, perhaps just slightly lower than usual. If you have a programmable thermostat, it’s a good strategy to set the temperature higher while you’re out of the house, such as when you’re at work, and set it to a lower setting just before you get home. Then, as the temperature drops during the evening, you can give your heat pump a rest by having it slightly higher than normal.

For decades, we’ve helped our communities with the installation, repairs and maintenance of their chosen climate-control systems. We pride ourselves on providing 100% customer satisfaction and do our best to schedule appointments within 24 hours of your call. When you need to install a new heat pump or schedule professional maintenance services, give Gideon Heating & Air Conditioning a call.

Image provided by iStock

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